Burcu Bayram Potrait

Hello, I'm Burcu. A self-taught Front-End Web Developer, proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Next.js with a strong focus on delivering responsive and accessible designs.

About Me

My path to development was unconventional. After studied biology and great volunteer works in related area, worked in a pharmaceutical company for 6 years. Then I listened to my inner voice, I left my full time job and started to learn front-end frameworks on my own.

As a result of the self-development process, I was entitled to participate in various bootcamps and I continue to improve myself in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, React, and Next.js. I helped people to renew time-tracking web application written with old technologies, to make a website contains a 3D cube that constantly returns and with open-source contribution.

I possess excellent problem-solving skills, a drive to continuously learn and improve in web development.

My Projects


Developed a crowdfunding platform with Next.js and related technologies as a Re:Coded graduation project. It has features showcasing goals and progress, browsing by category, user authentication, providing multiple language.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase
  • i18next


Created a movie nomination app by fetching OMDB API. It has features implemented search movies by name.

  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind

Movie DB

Created a movie database app by fetching TMDB API. It has features implemented search and filtering movies and cast by genres

  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap


Created a hangman game by fetching Random Word API. The random word is search through to find if it contains the clicked letter, if the clicked letter is part of the random word's letters then it gets shown up instead of the space, if not, then the lives counter is decreased by one.

  • Javascript
  • Tailwind

3D Cube

Created an animated cube that continuously rotates and pops up when clicking.

  • React
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS

My Skills

My Experience

Contact Me

Please contact me through this form.